Book Heidi
Heidi speaks with humor and grace on a variety of topics.
Here are Heidi’s most requested Keynotes! Pick from these five and view the full list below.
God says that our children have been given to us like “arrows in the hands of a warrior.” The question is, do we see ourselves as warriors? Do we recognize the battle we are in? Are we passive or purposeful in the spiritual training of our kids? God desires that we train and sharpen our “arrows” so that they will be ready to fly when the time is right. Join Heidi St. John as she offers personal insight and practical application on your role as parents.
Right place. Right time. Right team. We’re raising a generation of Daniels as America becomes a modern Babylon. The Lord has set us apart for such a time as this and He has a purpose for each of us and each of our children. Heidi St John lays out the rules of engagement for winning the culture war that seeks to destroy your children’s future and offers encouragement for the days we are living in. Listen. Learn. Leave with purpose and confidence.
In an era where fear drives many of our decisions as Christian leaders, God us to be different. No one thinks they are a fear-based leader, and yet, as we look around, we see many Christian leaders succumbing to it. In this session, we'll look at four ways fear can derail your leadership and look at leaders whose character and faith in God carried them (and those they were leading!) to victory through difficult circumstances.
Listen as Heidi offers encouragement to seasoned leaders and instruction to new ones: your convictions will be challenged from every angle. The solution? Lead from a place of conviction that's based on the authority of Scripture and then, stand firm. If God has called you to the role of leadership, He has already equipped you for the task ahead.
In the past twenty years, we’ve seen a lot of changes in the homeschool community. There is much more pressure being put on homeschoolers to excel academically. We’ve gone from a few brave moms who, without access to mainstream “curriculum”, managed to give their children an excellent education—but we’ve forgotten what made it excellent.
It was excellent because these moms had a vision for homeschooling—they weren’t trying to re-create school at home. They were simply being obedient to the One who had called them to be different. They knew that if He had called them, He would equip them. And they were right.
If you’re struggling to find joy in your calling as a homeschooling parent, if you’re looking for more LIFE in your homeschool, this is one workshop you won’t want to miss. join Heidi as she talks about her journey away from curriculum-driven, workbook based homeschooling and into delight-directed learning. What she learned will bless and inspire you.
Did you know that you have influence? You do! The question is, what you are doing with the influence that God has given you? You have influence with your children, your friends, family, co-workers. What are you doing with it? How is your faith influencing those around you? In this powerful presentation, Heidi will share six character traits of leaders who have successfully navigated the ups and downs of leadership and used their influence to make a difference in the lives of those around them. Your legacy is already being built. What will it be?
• Popular Keynotes
• Lifestyle • Parenting • Marriage • Leadership • Homeschool
About Heidi
As a popular author and speaker, Heidi St. John has been speaking on marriage, family and cultural issues for over 15 years. Her passion to encourage moms and set them free to boldly become who God has created them to be will challenge encourage you. Heidi has been married to her college sweetheart since 1989, and their family now includes seven children and several grandchildren! Jay and Heidi reside just outside of beautiful Vancouver, Washington, where they have homeschooled their kids all the way through high school, finishing up with their “caboose” at home.